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These photos were taken in August 2003 in Venice (Italy)
It is a violation of copyright law to use any of these pictures without purchasing them from or receiving express permission for one-time publishing from
You can purchase any autographed photo ($6 photo 10x15 cm, $36 photo 20x30 cm) from this or practically any album, by visiting our shop!. You can mention what you'd like Alexandra to sign on the photo (reasonable requests please) by sending an email (delete "nojunk") to to us . Please allow time for individual printing/signing/shipping. You can also buy a high-resolution (more than 1 MB) picture by email for $9. Please don't forget to mention exact Album name and Photo Name. Note: 50% of all profits of autographed photos go to Alexandra's Chess Fund, in which she helps to promote chess in the world, principally to children. Thanks for your support!